Roots blower casing and impellers

Design for manufacture of new Roots blower casing and impellers from stainless steel fabrications.

Roots blower casing weldment in Autodesk Inventor

Due to excessive corrosion it was decided the existing cast iron casing and impellers of this Donkin Roots blower would be replaced with stainless steel.

My task was this new design for manufacture of these components from welded fabrications, due to the cost of pattern and casting in stainless steel.

Casing weldment design in Autodesk Inventor

Casing fabrication

Casing Machining

Impeller fabrication

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is roots-impeller-08-1024x771.png

Checking and adjusting the impeller clearances

Testing the Roots blower with the new casing and impellers

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